Karen epilepsy Launch In a move to improve health services at our Epilepsy clinics, KAWE has launched its second fully operative clinic at the Karen Health centre. Previously, the clinic…
A Paediatric Neurologist with vast experience in epilepsy management and one of the founding directors of KAWE (1982). He is also the chairman of the KAWE board of directors and the recipient of the International ”Ambassadors for Epilepsy Award-2019” presented by the IBE (International Bureau for Epilepsy) and ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy)
Treasurer and Board Member
A banker by profession with extensive experience in commercial and central banking. He is a certified public accountant and a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK). He holds a Bachelor of Education (Arts) degree and a Masters in Business Administration specializing in finance. Currently a Board of Management (BOM)Member and chair of the finance committee of Chuka High School. Past Treasurer of Chuka Welfare Association. He champions the interests of people living with epilepsy as he has a close family member who suffers from epilepsy. He is also a member of the KAWE board of directors.
Patrick has over 10 years of experience in governance, project management and administration. He is experienced in planning, leading, executing projects and fundraising.
Prior to joining KAWE, Patrick was the Director of the School of Accountancy at the University of Kigali, Rwanda where he taught and mentored young people. He is passionate about youth empowerment especially youths living with disabilities and helping people living with Non-Communicable Diseases.
Patrick is a Board Director at the Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance Kenya (NCDAK), the national umbrella body of all organizations, patients’ groups, NGOs, CBOs and professional associations involved in advocacy, prevention, control, care and rehabilitation of persons living with or at risk of developing NCDs. He serves as the Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Committee of the board.
He holds a Master of Science in Finance and a Bachelor of Business Management in Finance and Banking. He is also a Certified Public Accountant and has a certificate in International Public Sector Accounting Standards and Certified Investment Financial Analyst Part III. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Business Administration and Management.